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Strength training for the endurance athlete

Mary Braun, DPT, COMT

Running with poor form places an increase in stress on your body.

Three things we look at in the clinic when evaluating form are:

1. Are they symmetrical

2. Is the runners form biomechanically efficient

3. Is it placing minimal stress on the body

This often leads us to identify the biomechanical cause of any underlying issues/ symptoms. When running your body needs to absorb 2.5 times body weight on one leg. However, most endurance athletes neglect strength training.

For muscle endurance, you want high reps (15-20) and low weight. Below is example of a progression we do in the clinic is the following.

Once you have mastered the category for 3-4 weeks without onset of pain you can progress to the next.

Start with Open kinetic chain exercises involving the hip and stabilization of the back

  1. Donkey kicks

  2. Bird dog

  3. Clams

  4. Side leg lifts

  5. Planks

  6. Criss cross

  7. Bicycle

Progress to Closed kinetic chain hip with core stabilization

  1. Single leg Romanian dead lift

  2. Rotational walking lunges with weight

  3. Side lunge into overhead press

  4. Lateral hip hike

  5. Band walks

  6. Russian twist with weight

  7. Planks with alternating leg extension

  8. Dead lift

  9. Front step up with overhead press

  10. Runners Row

  11. Hip Thrust

  12. Pilaf squat

Progress to Plyometrics

  1. Ski jumps

  2. Kettle bell swings

  3. Alternating Plyometric Lunge

  4. A and C skips

  5. Power skip along a line

  6. Cross arm skipping drills

Variations in weight and reps are catered toward the individual patients needs and sport. While we won’t guarantee it, most people will see changes in form and efficiency. If something is painful, or just pain doesn’t feel right back off or modify, just be sensible.

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