Pelvic Floor Therapy
Physical therapists help patients eliminate symptoms of pain and discomfort as a part of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Treatment a program...
Pelvic Floor Therapy
What is causing my Heel Pain?
How can Physical Therapy help symptoms of long COVID?
Ways a Physical Therapist can help you with your Headaches
Low back pain
Physical Therapy for Skiers
Does Self Myofasical Release help maintain mobility?
Importance of Ankle Mobility
Postpartum Care
Sports Physical Therapy
Squat Myth- Knees should never go past your toes.
Dry Needling
Why does it hurt when I reach overhead?
What is causing my anterior shoulder pain?
The evolution of treatment of meniscal tears.
Did you know that physical therapist don’t just treat sports injuries?
Gluteal tendinopathy- What is it and what you can do about.
Give me your best shot!
What is causing my pain?
Prevention of Dance Injuries